Electric Power Transmissions and Distribution Networks

APEC research team focuses on achieving a seamless integration of renewable energy and storage resources, which will not be possible before looking at all operational aspects of both power transmission and distribution networks to ensure flexible, stable, secure and efficient system operation. Therefore, the system will be scrutinized from three different fronts, namely, transmission, distribution and autonomous systems (microgrids) levels. APEC research team focuses on relieving the overloaded transmission networks while improving its dynamic response and enhancing its power quality. This will be paralleled with optimizing the distribution assets through the development of innovative controllers for hybrid AC/DC power networks, distributed generation and microgrids. Autonomous microgrid operation for enhancing system reliability with the focus on arriving to the optimal microgrids clusters and control architecture

Fig. 3 Smart Grid infrastructure.

On the transmission level, system operator applies conservative operational practices to ensure stability, security, reliability and economical operation of the transmission network. Lots of attention have been devoted to these objectives with the aim of increasing generation capacity from renewable sources to meet the load demand. Yet of equal importance is the extent to which this will stress the transmission network. The reinforcement of existing networks as well as the planning for future transmission networks, demand the utilization of advanced technologies. FACTs technologies, Hybrid AC/DC transmission grids, efficient grounding systems, modern protection schemes, PMUs placement, SCADA development, advanced communication infrastructure, data analytics, robust control strategies, transmission interconnections, cybersecurity, accurate load and renewable generation forecasting, advanced power system modeling, unit commitment and Energy Management System are examples of issues that have to be investigated. APEC research team carried out considerable research works, and developed breakthrough technologies on the following research topics to ensure effective modernization of the transmission and distribution networks:

Transmission System Planning and Operation:

  • Optimal placement and specification of PMUs for achieving full network observability and Wide Area Measurements Development.
  • Optimal dynamic VAR Planning strategy with different shunt compensation technologies (e.g sizing, allocation, transient response, overloading capability….etc.).
  • System design and control strategies for hybrid AC/DC transmission system (Multi-terminal HVDC systems, Modular Multilevel Converter operation with fault handling capability).
  • Unit commitment and economic dispatch for optimal mix of power generation.
    • Optimal power system restoration with utilization of renewable power plants as black start units.
    • Developing precise load and renewable power generation forecasting schemes for adjusting the primary and secondary spinning reserve as well as improving the gird flexibility.
    • Voltage and frequency controllers (primary, secondary and tertiary) for transmission network (automatic generation control (AGC), economic dispatch control, load frequency control).
    • Emerging FACTs technologies with coordination for enhancing the system stability and security.
    • Augmentation and coordination of advanced protection schemes for AC and DC sub-grids.
    • Power system stability (AC/DC grid) with the uncertainty of RE generation and load demand.
    • Developing data analytics based classification engine for predicting small signal and transient stabilities as well as enabling the corrective and fast action of the protection schemes.
    • Enhancing the Power Quality with high penetration of inverter based power generation.
    • Mitigation of the inter-area oscillations (IAOs) based on robust and coordinated damping controllers.
    • Performing comprehensive cyber-security analysis to identify new security threats, attacks, and requirements due to the incorporation of controllers based on WAMS.
    • Diagnosis of high voltage underground cables joint failures (e.g 400 kV cable) and high voltage testing.
    • Self-healing transmission network realization based on precise system modeling of cascaded failures.
    • Developing precise hybrid simulation modeling techniques for steady state, dynamic and transient studies.