Message from
the Local Chairman

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my great honor to invite you to the 17th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, NANO 2024. The conference will be hosted by Khalifa University of Science & Technology in collaboration with the UAE Department of Culture & Tourism.

The series conferences have been organized every two years under the patronage of the International Committee on Nanostructured Materials (ICNM). NANO2024 will be a perfect platform to build new connections and a great opportunity to hear new trends in nanostructured materials and applications, live demonstration and hands-on workshops delivered by world class International Researchers from across the globe. NANO2024 topics cover the broad range of nanostructured materials and their applications.

The conference includes plenary lectures, Keynote lectures and invited talks by eminent personalities from around the world in addition to contributed papers with presentations.

Abu Dhabi is UAE’s capital city located along the Persian Gulf coastline, and renowned for its distinctive architecture. This busy metropolis invigorates visitors with a unique energetic atmosphere, outstanding tourist attraction such as the Emirates Palace and the Louvre Museum, which attracts tourists from across the globe, shopping, cultural events, international cuisine, and non-stop active nightlife.

Very warm welcome to NANO2024 in Abu Dhabi! We look forward to seeing you there.

Dr. Daniel Choi – NANO2024 local Chairman
Khalifa University of Science & Technology, UAE

About ICNM

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About KU

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